Friday, June 18, 2010

I went to Grayson Highlands. We drove 4 hours from Raleigh to there and hiked 5 miles to our campsite. It was raining during the hike so it was cool and wasn't stifling or super hot. The hike was all uphill and we had to rest several times to let the people at the back catch up. We got to a shelter and there was a little notebook there. Mr. Murrell told us it was a shelter log. There was also a pen so you could write your experiences in it. We hiked all the way up until there we saw a bald part on the mountain. I ran to it thinking that we had finally got to our campsite but it wasn't ours. We had to hike another mile to get to our campsite. There were a lot of horse manure around because people ride their horses up here. We got to our campsite and we put up our tent. Me and Penn were tenting together. We had to careful not to put our tent on manure. After that we went down to the spring to get water. There was no tap so you had to get water from a spring. We had a water pump and we use a pump. We also boiled it with a Jetboil. We had food and went to bed. In the night, it rained really hard and our tent leaked. We had a bad night. In the the morning, we ate, and hiked back down. You had to be careful about slippery rocks. We got down and drove home.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ontario science centre

This museum was AWESOME!!!! It was huge too! We saw an imax about the Hubble first and then explored. We went to the Harry Potter Exhibition. We saw props and costumes that were in the movies. They were exactly the same as I pictured in the book. There were the Quiditch uniforms, the school robes, the Quaffles, the snitch, the wands, the boggart chest, the chess pieces, the talking pictures, the floating candles, the mandrakes, the potions book, etc. We also saw a science place where you could make your own shoe and make a movie. We also saw some cool materials, like the lightest solid on Earth which was called aerogel. There was also shape retaining metal. go here.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Niagara Falls

We went to Niagara Falls. First, we just walked along the top of the falls where there was a railing. We could see both waterfalls, Canadian and American falls. You see, Niagara is made up of 2 falls, American falls and Canadian Falls. Canadian falls is also called Horseshoe falls. We saw some machines where you put in a dollar and you could see far away but some were broken so you didn't have to put in a dollar to see. Well, when we got closer to the falls, there was a strong wind and it blew water up into your face and got you all wet. My brother said he was thirsty and I said to just "open your mouth". Well, we got back and went on the boat. They handed you blue ponchos that you wore. Then, we boarded the boat. A recorded voice talked about the falls and about kings and dictators looking at the falls and stuff. When we got close to the falls, the wind blew though our sleeves and puffed up our poncho so we looked like fat people. My brother held out a bottle to collect water from Niagara Falls but only got a few drops. He thought we were actually going under the falls! When got back on dry land, we ate something and then left.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

RBC gold building

We saw a building with real gold in the windows. That is right! Real GOLD! 2 million dollars of it are infused into the windows. The government of Toronto said that they couldn't build the tallest tower so the RBC people decided to build the most beautiful building. It is pretty tall though.

MORE FACTS not part of my experience
  1. They made it so that you cant get the gold

CN tower

Me, my dad and my brother went to the CN Tower. My mom didn't want to go because she said she didn't like tall buildings. It is the tallest building in the world. When we walked over to the CN tower, we saw a fountain where people threw a lot of trash in. We went inside the lower part of the tower where you pay for all your tickets and stuff. There was a machine where you walked in and it blew air on to you. Then, we got onto an elevator that went 15 miles per hour up the side of the building. I think these things were designed to scare little kids because the floor was glass and the walls were glass and everything was glass. When we got to the top, I looked out the window. The view was spectacular! You could see the islands,the other buildings. They looked puny compared to the CN Tower. There was a resturant at the top and it spun! We didn't feel it spinning because it spun once every hour. There was a upstairs but a mean lady said, "Get down unless ya want to eat!" Except she said it in a nicer way. The downstairs was the awesomest place I have to agree. It had a glass floor and these kids who were from a girl's school or something kept on jumping! It was REALLY scary because it was glass and you could see down to the bottom and there were spiky stuff down at the bottom! It said it could hold 14 large hippos and I'm pretty sure that all thoes girls and the other people were 15 large hippos. There was also a mini museum that showed facts about the CN tower. There was also a Skypod place which was the tallest man-made observation deck. We didn't go because it was around 20 more bucks per person. There was a outdoor observation deck where we saw some workers working. They were cutting right through the mesh and leaning on it too! I wouldn't do that for a million bucks! I really liked the CN tower and wish to go again.