Sunday, April 12, 2009

NC Art Museum

We went to the NC Museum of Art. It was partly closed because they were adding a new building to it. My favorite thing about it was the Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky. It is like a small hut but with no windows. There are plants growing on the top of it. The reason I like it is because it is so combined with Nature. I also like the sculpture called To see Jennie Smile. It is a huge cylinder made out of 3 tons of newspaper. The sculptor it's kind of like returning the newspaper to the place it was born. It is temporary because the rain and dirt will decompose it and it will rot. Think how many trees were killed just to make two weeks of newspapers. But if you read stuff from, then you are using electricity which pollutes the air.


  1. It is hard to imagine that was built from newspapers. If everybody reads from internet, the newspaper publishers would out of market. Actually after the internet revolution lots of newspapers have gone belly up. I bet probably you need more than 3000 trees to make up that three tons of papers.

    Good information. It is always a pleasure to read your post. Keep up the good work.

  2. Today there are lots of buildings with "plants growing on the top of it". I think it was started from Baghdad. One of the so called early wonders is a garden in the sky in early Baghdad. I do not know if it still there or not.
