Sunday, September 19, 2010


We went to the USNWC which was in Charlotte. It was the United States National Whitewater Center. It was also a USA Olympic training center for the Beijing Olympics.

First, we went to the Mega jump where you had to jump off a three story building. There was a rope that slowed you down though. From the bottom, it looked really easy and all the kids were saying to the people on top stuff like "Hurry up!". But when you actually got to the top, it looked really tall. They hooked your harness up to a rope that was attached to this "slowing" machine. The lady hooked me up and told me to step on the red dots at the edge of the platform. I could see all the little people down below and they were looking at me. I closed my eyes and walked off. It was like when a roller coaster goes down a big hill, but slower. When I got to the bottom, I realized I liked it.

Then, we went kayaking. It basically a plastic board which you sit on and paddle. It was really fun though. It was light so it could go faster than a canoe. It could also respond quicker than a canoe. My brother was trying to ram into me so I just back-paddled and turned around to face him. He was going fast so he just shot past me. In a canoe, like in Raven Knob, If another canoe was trying to get you, you would have to turn really slowly, or get rammed. I also like a kayak better because if you get beached, you can slide from the shore really easily.

Next, we went back and ate lunch. It was a cheeseburger and chips and a drink. Everyone had the same thing.

We went rafting after that. It was the funnest part. We went to the calmer channel. Even though it was the calmer channel, we did surfing, where they put the boat into the falls and everyone got wet. I think that I like the M rapids because they were fastest in the Wilderness channel. We went on it 4 times. Later, in the evening, we did rafting again except this time we got to go through the fast channel. It was awesome since we went to the huge drop and we went fast and backwards through it. We saw a raft get flipped over. All the people fell out. I also fell out because another raft rammed into us. The guide pulled me up. I think rafting was the funnest out of all the activities.

We also did climbing but we did rafting before it so our arms were really tired. I did manage to get to the top of one but the others were too hard. There was this wall that went at a 70 degree angle so it leaned out!