Sunday, July 15, 2012


I recently went to a museum about the media and reporting industries known as the Newseum. It was very cool. It had a lot of technological and interactive exhibits that covered from topics from the Berlin Wall to the FBI. I enjoyed looking and reading about the history of the media. There was a 15th century woodcut about the "Horrific massacre of Hugenots in Ambroise". I enjoyed the diversity of the exhibits. There were eight wall sections from the Berlin Wall, the Unabomber's cabin, old manuscripts, and a recreation of Tim Russert's office. I enjoyed the FBI exhibit since it was new and I have never seen anything like it before. It showed major tragedies such as Waco, Oklahoma City, and 9/11. It also explained how the media was involved. For example, the media did not act appropriately in the Waco Siege because one reporter actually told a Davidian that the FBI were going to lay siege. That allowed the Davidians to prepare for the raid. There was a large controversy surrounding Waco since there were fires that killed over 30 children and over 60 adults. Lots of people thought that the FBI had done it and that's also what the media thought. However the FBI's bosses made them not talk about it so they couldn't give their side of the story. The FBI also did a Lott of good things such as catching bank robbers and mafia dons. Some of the most famous people they caught/killed are John Dillinger, Charles Floyd, and other gangsters. There was also a Berlin Wall exhibit. There were eight pieces of the Wall and a checkpoint Charlie guard tower. They also had a tank trap. I feel that the media's response to the Berlin Wall wasn't correct or appropriate. They could easily have caused WWIII. The Western media Had trucks with loudspeakers that broadcasted anti-Soviet slogan and propagandas across to the other side.

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