Tuesday, June 7, 2011

D.C. Trip part 1

We went to the Jefferson Library of Congress building. At first, we were about to go to the Madison Building but some one said that there was nothing to see. So we went to the Jefferson Building. We had gone here before but hadn't fully explored it yet. First, at the Info desk, we got 'passports'. It was where you put your passport into a machine and you did Learning Quests about information in that exhibit. I liked the 'Exploring the New World' exhibit the most. It was about the exploration of South America and the Caribbean. In that exhibit, I liked the 'Monster or Human' activity the most. It was where a old mapmaker put random things on his map and you had to decide whether they were monsters or humans.

The sad thing about the Jefferson Building was that you couldn't read any books. All you could do was watch other people read books.

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