Saturday, August 15, 2009

We also went to Washington D.C. I liked when we went to the top of the Washington Monument the most. We could see 40 miles in every direction. It was cool because there was even a picture below the window that showed what the view looked like in the late 1800's and other times. There was also a mini museum on the 2nd floor.There were only three floors. The first floor was the ground level, the second was at the 490 feet, the third was at 500 feet. I learned that when it was first built, they had a steam elevator that took 10-12 minutes to get to the top and they served tea on it. I also liked when we went to the Museum of American History. It had a lot of cool model ships in it. It also had a money exhibit and did you know that pioneer people used nails as money? The museum of Natural History's soil exhibit and bone one were pretty cool too. We went to Annapolis. There were some policemen that put a guy on the side of the street who was not going to walk and if you didn't stop for him, the policemen would pull you over and fine you $80 for not yielding to pedestrians. Soon they had like 15 cars pulled over and that green guy in pajamas was still walking across the road so they could get more money. And they didn't even have regular stop signs that you can see clearly. They had like a a little white board with words on it and an even smaller stop sign on the board with the words.

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